Container | Zhang Enli

Container | Zhang Enli

Container | 張恩利(ザン・エンリ)

中国上海を拠点に活動するアーティスト、Zhang Enli(張恩利)が2005年から2008年にかけててがげた作品を収録。Philippe Pirotteによる論考。

Zhang Enli’s paintings depict the familiar and overlooked–everyday objects that are connected through the artist’s immediate surroundings in China. His brushstrokes come close to traditional Chinese ink painting, where every stroke articulates elements that are significant to the whole. This volume includes work from 2005 to 2008.

Steidl Hauser & Wirth in association with ShanghART Gallery, 2008

英語 | 29x22cm | 106plates | 112pp. | color

¥ 16,500 (税込)